About Raizado Festival

An Annual Celebration of Latine Excellence

Raizado Festival was created to honor and acknowledge Latine contributions to society. It was founded by Mónica Ramírez and launched in 2022 by The Latinx House, a project of Justice for Migrant Women. The Latinx House began at Sundance in 2020 and was created by Ramírez, along with producer and entrepreneur, Olga Segura, and producer and activist, Alexandra Martinez Kondracke to be a social and political driver that highlights the powerful contributions of Latine people across industries and sectors.

Our Work

We unite the Latine community and our allies by providing the space for artists, content creators, grassroots organizers, thought leaders, and other supporters to address issues that impact the Latinx community and creative narratives that will shift culture.


Raizado Festival was created by activist Mónica Ramírez in 2020. Ramirez is a longtime activist with roots in the farmworker community. In the fall of 2020, a report was published that revealed alarming rates of COVID-19 deaths among farmworkers, many of whom were Latine community members. This signaled complete systemic failure and the need for urgent action to change the way that Latine people are viewed and treated by society so that a tragedy like this one never occurs again.

She knew that it required a bold move to shift the narrative such that Latine people would not be so undervalued as to be left unprotected in a crisis, again. It was also necessary to combat the false narrative that Latine people take jobs, opportunities and resources to the reality that Latine people, including the thousands of farmworkers across our nation, give resources, jobs, culture, opportunities and so much more.

Raizado Festival became the answer. Ramirez understood that to create what she calls a “record-scratching moment” that would capture widespread attention and achieve a much needed culture shift, the festival had to be built in a place of significance. It had to be established in a location that is highly regarded and one that would capture public attention.



Celebrating the cultural, political, and economic power of the Latine community.


Celebrating the rich and diverse Latine culture, including food, music, literature, and art, as well as Culture Makers.


Celebrating Truth Tellers, as well as the accurate stories and experiences that represent Latine people in the US.


Ramirez selected Aspen because it is a place where thought leaders, changemakers, entrepreneurs, and political leaders convene to participate in many of Aspen’s esteemed programs. In fact, Ramírez had visited the city as an Aspen Institute Socrates Fellow years before. During her time there, she noted that Latine, Indigenous, and immigrant community members from countries around the world are the overwhelming majority of the people who sustain Aspen through their labor and make the city the vibrant location that it is today. She also noted that these community members, though playing such a significant role in Aspen’s economy and success, are often made invisible. Ramírez was one of few Latine people to attend the program the year that she participated.

Indigenous, Latine, and immigrant community members are part of the fabric of Aspen and integral to its prosperity. Colorado is and always has been a Latino/e state. In fact, its state Constitution was written in Spanish, as well as English and German. Like the Aspen tree, the Latine community is deeply rooted and interconnected in Colorado and the United States.

Raizado Festival celebrates the culture, community, deep ties and many contributions of the Latine community in Colorado and across the country.

Together with the wise-counsel and hard work of many people, the festival was established in Aspen, Colorado. Raizado Festival launched in 2022 by The Latinx House, a project of Justice for Migrant Women.






Raizado Festival is a celebration of Latine excellence featuring entertainment, masterclasses, a food/beverage experience, and networking opportunities.